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Payment Options / Upon Sign Up 0

Global English Exchange | 12:24 AM |

We accept payment either through Paypal or Western Union.

PAYPAL accepts VISA and MASTERCARD. You need to register or open an account on their site.

Another payment option is WESTERN UNION. The sender will pay for the transfer fee.

If you have another payment option - please feel free to email us : globalenglishexchange@gmail.com


Once you sign up for the classes, please be committed to finish them.

For every group of classes that you will sign up for, a corresponding
expiration date is set. The expiration date is two weeks after the normal
end date.

For example:
A student signs up for 5 classes / once a week.

He begins his class on April 26.

The normal end date of this class is one month and one week from the
beginning date of classes.

The expiration date will be two weeks after the normal end date.
Thus, the student has to finish these 5 classes within two months.

Unconsumed classes are forfeited.

We want students to be responsible with the classes that they signed up for.

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